RD Abbott and Rubber Division, ACS have released a video celebrating the diverse range of women in our industry. Cancarb was able to be included in this project and is proud to be represented throughout.
This fast-paced video is set to music and designed to appeal to high school and college students through the Rubber Division’s year-round Student Outreach Program. The video will also be shared throughout the Local Rubber Groups of Rubber Division, ACS. Additional promotional efforts via social media and other digital channels are also planned.
During the video’s production, several of the women featured in the video were asked “What drew you to the rubber industry, and what has made your career in the industry rewarding?” Here’s how two of the female professionals responded to this question:
“I enjoy the challenge of often being the only woman in the room and challenging perspectives just by doing work I love,” responded Taylor Phillips, Laboratory Technician at Cancarb Limited.
Excerpt from: https://rdabbott.com/news/women-of-rubber/